PEMF Therapy
It’s hard to find a bigger health priority than improving our cardiovascular health. No matter if you’re 12 or 57, the function of our heart and blood vessels is crucial to giving every cell in our bodies the fuel they need for their best performance. With so many conflicting factors in our everyday lifestyle putting pressure on the strength and wellbeing of our cardiovascular health, many of us can face…
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PEMF Therapy
The holidays are meant to bring goodwill, relaxation, and time spent enjoying the company of friends and family… right? So why is it that so many of us experience so much stress across the holiday season? Research from Relationships Australia has found that Christmas is considered one of the six most stressful life events, alongside experiences such as divorce and changing jobs. While this time of year can certainly bring…
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PEMF Therapy
Amongst the simple (and important) pleasures in life, a restful night’s sleep is high on the list. With the quality of our sleep during our resting hours directly impacting our health and wellbeing in our waking hours, finding ways to improve and protect your sleep quality is crucial for both short-term and long-term health boosts alike. Unfortunately, disturbances to our ability to achieve that high quality of sleep are all…
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PEMF Therapy
Winter’s coming to its end, and we couldn’t be more ready to say goodbye to the colds and flus that like to make themselves known throughout the colder months. If you’ve experienced these illnesses, you’ll know just how frustrating it is to be struck (out of the blue!) with an unexpected bug. For all of us, learning how to prioritise enhanced immunity functionality can make a world of difference when…
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PEMF Therapy
Whether you’re a professional athlete, growing your athletic skills, or enjoying athletic endeavours at an amateur level, performance and recovery are a crucial part of your rhythm. With so many demands on the body resulting from training or competition regimens, finding new ways to support these areas can lead to greater results, new athletic capacities, and increased endurance. At ReGen Wellness, we provide athletes at every level with the secret…
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PEMF Therapy
Sure, plenty of natural therapies can seem like a passing fad - but PEMF therapy? This one’s here to stay, and for good reason. With a long list of benefits delivered via this powerful and non-invasive therapy, PEMF can have truly transformative health outcomes with consistent sessions. This is particularly true in its support for enhanced neuroplasticity and cognitive function, offering users significant support for greater brain health in…
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